If you were to ask your friends or family if they had or are listening to a podcast, a large amount of people would admit to having a podcast on the go, whether it be My Therapist Ghosted Me , The Diary Of A CEO or The Newlyweds. Podcasts are now fully embedded in our daily routines, with 60% of the UK listening and 45% of the UK streaming more audio since the pandemic. The last few years have ignited the flame in current and new podcast listeners.
Spotify has gone that extra mile to ensure that it has mastered the art of understanding their listeners’ mood, moment and mindset; meaning that adverts can be delivered based on users’ habits. Brands have to potential to reach 1 in 3 adults in the UK each week with Spotify’s 26.8m monthly users listening. Podcasts are sparking conversation and playing a vital role in getting the world talking. Whilst people still and will continue to watch the big screen, many are now listening to podcasts that correlate to their favourite TV show. Cast your minds back to the devastating exit of Dianne…following this episode, more people tuned into the podcast: Traitors Uncloaked than Love Island.
Acast shed light on how this hyper relevancy in podcasts can be boosted through geo and time targeting, giving brands a huge opportunity to drive awareness and reach, with podcast sponsorship being the bread and butter for driving consideration and building trust.
Podcasts are going beyond entertainment purposes becoming a simple way for people to steer away from the noise that comes with the digital world and other unhealthy habits. 75% of people want to cut down on their screen time, with 60% finding that podcasts provide them with a break from other media. Despite the fact that social media provides us with platforms to allow for increased connectivity, figures show that Gen Z is concerned about time spent on social media and the negative repercussions this may have, from poor well-being to too much visual stimulation. Because of this, Gen Z is the front row audience for podcasts, with the audio platform acting as their space to escape.