We are all extremely chuffed to have once again made Campaign’s Best Places to Work list for 2021 at number 33.

MI Media was set up to do things differently, and ultimately, to do the right thing. In a higgledy piggledy year (to put it mildly) MI has placed a lot of value on ensuring a happy, motivated and rewarded workforce. Health and wellbeing has been a priority and everyone now has access to the Employee Assistance Programme and a Mental Health First Aider. More informally, chins have been kept up with Morning Tea Round zoom catch ups, fancy dress zoom socials and a peloton of 6 cycled from London to Brighton to release some endorphins (when restrictions allowed). We’re extremely proud to have be named as one of Campaign’s Best Places to Work for 2021.

We are all extremely chuffed to have once again made Campaign's Best Places to Work list for 2021 at number 33.

‘Care packages’ of coffee (when Sainsburys ran out!) or wine/chocolate and kids magazines (for mums and dads faced with home schooling ad nauseum) have been gratefully received by the team.

At a time when joining a new company could be totally pants, all MI newbies have received an ethical welcome hamper (full of foodie treats and drinks) and have been assigned a friendly buddy to help them remotely integrate into the wider team. Our legendary Christmas party (sadly not abroad this year but on Zoom) was a virtual triumph with an eclectically creative range of events including drink and draw, laughing yoga and carol singing combined with takeaway treats and boozy doorstep deliveries.

It’s great to be recognised for such an award and congratulations to all the other companies who have also been doing the right thing over the past year.

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