Marketing Insight: thinking back to when jeans weren’t a wardrobe staple

It’s hard to believe now that, only 40 years ago, there would be a problem with the sale of jeans as today the likes of Levi’s, Wranglers and even a trusty M&S pair are an everyday staple in almost all our wardrobes. 

But if we go back to the 80’s, possibly the greatest decade for fashion (in my opinion), there was an explosion of youth culture. New Romantics, Soulboys, Young Casuals, Goths. You could find your tribe, the weirder the better. The problem was that none of these tribes were wearing jeans. 

Back then, in the US, Levi’s was associated with Ronald Reagan (i.e. old people)! Meanwhile in the UK, you had to look really hard to actually find jeans, usually in Millets.  

Ultimately, year-on-year sales for the former market leader, Levi’s, had decreased by 46% over four years. And the 501, Levi’s original jean from 1873, had suffered more than any other product. 

So, what did they do? 

On Boxing Day 1985 the now iconic ‘launderette ad’ aired.  

Nick Kamen enters a laundrette, takes off his Ray Bans, fills a washing machine with rocks, removes his t-shirt & jeans and puts them in the machine too. He then simply sits back and waits for the cycle to finish. The end line reads: “501 the original shrink to fit jeans”. 

The ad was deemed to be creative, raunchy and cool. Importantly, it sold van loads of jeans! It not only launched Nick Kamen’s career but also boosted sales of boxer shorts. In fact, it made such an impact that the ad had to be pulled as production could not keep up with demand. There was an astonishing 800% rise in sales. 

Media Innovation: how did Levi’s sustain sales and brand awareness? 

Let’s fast forward to today. Any brand cannot simply survive on a great ad that aired 40 years ago. Brands need to adapt and change with the times. This is exactly what Levi’s has done. With the rise of fast fashion, consumers are concerned about the environmental impact of what they are buying. It may feel like this is a new concern, but Levi’s has been leading the way in sustainable fashion season after season, introducing new products that combine innovative design with sustainability. 

The brand has been using less water in its manufacturing since 2011, saving a massive 13 billion litres of water. In 2021, it launched a ‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’ campaign to encourage more conscious purchasing decisions. And, my favourite, it released a plant-based Levi’s 501(!) made with 97% plant-based materials. Mixing old and new, with designs from past seasons and the future of clothing production in sustainable organic cotton, natural dyes and ink made from wood waste. 

In a full-circle moment for the brand, last year saw the launch of a new campaign in collaboration with global icon Beyonce following the release of ‘Levii’s Jeans’, a track from her new album. The ad featured Beyonce in a launderette, nonchalantly taking off her jeans and putting them in the washing machine whilst sitting in her underwear. The campaign was inspired by the legacy of the Levi’s brand and the forward-thinking vision of one of the most influential figures of modern culture. 

Accelerating Growth: increasing sales season by season

In 2023 the Jeans market was worth $71 billion, this is forecast to rise to $95 billion in 2030 (Source: Statista). By 2023, following year-on-year increases since 2010, Levi’s net sales had reached $6 billion. 

Brand awareness certainly plays a key part in Levi’s growth, but by pushing to the forefront of sustainability and product development, the brand continues to increase sales season by season. Whilst it’s difficult to attribute Levi’s sustainability goals to net sales, Levi’s is a leader in fashion sustainability, demonstrating a commitment to its values.  

So, did Beyonce’s song help boost business results? Levi’s Q3’24 results saw the sales of Levi’s 501 grow by 11%. Following a focus on growing the direct to consumer (DTC) business and the Beyonce ad campaign being activated across more than 3,000 DTC touchpoints, DTC grew by 10% in Q3. 

Jamie Hewitt joined MI over ten years ago and has seen the agency grow and develop over the decade. Last year he became the agency’s joint managing director, here he lets us look behind the scenes of the role of an MD.

What led you to a career in media?

I started getting a flavour for the industry through family connections and work experience when I was 15. I continued to spend my summers building experience in various small agencies, even spending time on graduate days with IPC. When I finished my A levels, this experience gave me the option of going to university or getting stuck in with my first job on the bottom rung of the media ladder. I’ve never been super academic, but I do enjoy structure with the freedom to be creative, so I chose the latter and haven’t looked back since! If I didn’t work in media, I would have either become a chef or joined the army!  

What does a typical day look like for you?

I typically start the week by making sure there’s milk in the fridge and biscuits in the tin for the team – we all know that a Milk Chocolate Hobnob is the winner! Beyond this, my job is to ensure the smooth running of MI Media. From looking after our people and keeping our clients happy to keeping the lights on in the office! On any given day this can look like 121s with the teams, joining a finance review or running client strategy sessions. For me it’s always been about being hands on and never asking anyone to do something that you wouldn’t do yourself. 

What is your proudest moment at MI?

2024 was a tough but great year. It was also the year I became managing director at MI Media. During 2024, I was most proud that we cemented our Accelerate Growth proposition and really lived this mentality across every corner of our business. It has aligned our leadership and our team behind one focus: to accelerate growth for our clients, our people and our business. We’re already seeing the success of this approach across both the personal development of our teams and some key new business wins which we celebrated in 2024.   

What advice would you give to someone with ambitions of becoming a managing director?

I’ve always had a mantra: ‘keep pushing’. We work in a sector that is constantly evolving and that’s what I love about it. It doesn’t stand still. That’s why there will always be opportunities in this industry for all types of people. No one can afford to stand still; we all must take some level of responsibility for our own careers and our own progression. Have a plan, set yourself goals and be brave. 

What mistake have you learned from the most?

I’ve made some clangers! But what stands out for me is that I lacked confidence in the early part of my career. I’m naturally an introvert, and it took me a long time to understand that this is not a negative trait but my superpower. So it took me a good while to push myself, commit, and be braver. We are fortunate to work in a people-based industry, you can always ask for help and support. You’d be surprised at how much people are willing to get involved and lend a hand. 

Who’s your role model and why?

I’ve always been a fan of military history and cooking, as my other possible careers might suggest! So Major Dick Winters of Band of Brother fame, and the infamous chef Anthony Bourdain both come to mind as two people that literally lived their lives on the front line, were great leaders in their fields and had a work hard play hard ethic! 

As reported by Campaign, following a three-way competitive pitch, supported and run by AAR Consultancy, Prostate Cancer UK appointed MI Media as its media agency of record.

The UK’s leading men’s health charity has ambitious growth targets. A core part of this is reaching and activating thousands more men across the UK to check their risk of prostate cancer and find out what they can do about it using Prostate Cancer UK’s award-winning 30 second Risk Checker. Helping more men understand their risk is key to ending needless deaths from prostate cancer. The earlier prostate cancer is found, the easier it is to treat.

John Dickinson-Lilley interim director of communications at Prostate Cancer UK said, “We’re excited to be working with MI Media. Throughout the pitch process they really demonstrated their strategic thinking and ability to deliver integrated planning, which we feel is the key to unlocking our growth opportunities in coming years.”

Our scope covers above the line, paid search, paid social and display. We will work in partnership with Goodstuff’s G-Force team for TV buying.

Richard Slater, joint managing director at MI Media said, “a disease which impacts us all and is a cause we’re passionate about. With some of our charity client relationships spanning over a decade, we have followed the changes in giving behaviour over a number of years and know that charities see the biggest success in securing donations when they have synchronised their work across both fundraising and brand building. We’re excited to be working with the team at Prostate Cancer UK to save and support thousands of men and their families across the UK.”

Laura Moorcraft, managing director, G-Force said, “We’re thrilled to be working in collaboration with MI Media and Prostate Cancer UK to take the charity’s media to new levels of impact and effectiveness.”

‘He who dares wins’ is one of those phrases that’s easy to say, but often hard to act on. However, in the context of UK charities, I’d argue it’s something to seriously consider over the next few years. Unfortunately taking a risk seems even harder when you feel vulnerable and the last five years have certainly been choppy waters for UK charities.

The immediate uncertainty following the 2020 lockdown resulted in a drop in giving levels, with Enthuse reports showing the percentage of the UK population that had given to charity over three months falling to a low of 59%. Despite a recovery to 75% by 2022, the subsequent cost of living crisis impacted how many people were able to give and spring / Summer 2023 showed a 5% drop off in public giving. Although recently donation levels have recovered, most charities still face a big financial challenge in 2025. As with other sectors, there has been a big increase in their costs and most face higher service demands and reduced funding.

Naturally, when faced with these challenges, it can be harder to consider new approaches, but as an outsider looking in it feels like a key time for charities to consider the benefits of striking out in new directions. With traditional routes like direct mail and cash giving in decline, there appear to be limitations to investing in some historically favoured channels. Whereas there’s a strong case, in this context, for trialling new marketing approaches that will help charities stand out in an increasingly crowded market.

What do I mean by new approaches?  Over the last couple of years I’ve noticed two charities, CALM and Prostate Cancer UK, that have endeavoured to do things a bit differently, with positive results that I want to explore here.

Looking first at The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), a UK charity that works to end suicide. Its CEO, Simon Gunning, has made a noticeable impact since beginning the rapid transformation of its brand and operations, more than doubling its helpline service provision over a four-year period to reach more people before the point of crisis. As a former digital marketer who worked on the corporate side, including spells at Virgin Media and the BBC, it’s clear that Gunning is challenging charity norms.

Asking media and corporate partners to join you in taking a risk

From an outsider’s perspective, there are a few key areas which stand out where CALM has done things differently. The most obvious is the work the charity has done to get media and corporate partners to join them in taking some risks to create more impactful and compelling campaigns. However, it’s also clear the charity has wanted to use paid media in a more daring way, which can not only cut through, but also be amplified through publicity.

CALM’s clear focus on creating strong partnerships with media owners and brands has been bold and confrontational. One of the first campaigns under Gunning’s tenure (the Project 84 ITV partnership) focused on raising awareness of the fact that 84 men in the UK died by suicide each week. This launched with a graphic, attention-grabbing visual stunt: 84 statues of real male suicide victims were stood on top of ITV’s Studio Tower in the line of sight of Parliament. CALM then used each of these men’s real-life stories to build content across ITV’s channels and shows to encourage discussion and understanding. The campaign generated a huge level of publicity, putting the issue at the heart of the charity on the map and rightly winning several awards as a result.

Equally, CALM’s creative approach in paid media has been both innovative and impactful. Its 2022 Last Photo campaign featured the last photos and videos of real people before they died by suicide, confronting the awkward truth that ‘suicide hides behind a smile’. The campaign won a Thinkbox creativity award in TV and was successfully converted into an OOH exhibition.

Finally, CALM has intelligently created corporate partnerships that work for all parties. Its recent partnership with MoneySupermarket drew attention to how money worries can impact mental health and how both CALM and MoneySupermarket can support people through these difficulties. Hearing the work behind the scenes in creating this successful partnership at the AdWanted conference last year really highlighted the benefits of investing time in getting new areas of exploration right. By having honest upfront conversations, not only was CALM able to confront subjects that other partners may have shied away from, but it was also able to secure a partner that would ensure its core messages would reach a broad audience.

Adopting novel strategies to spark conversations and engage new audiences

There are some real similarities here with Prostate Cancer UK, another charity that has had to shift public perceptions. The challenge here is that awareness of prostate cancer and how to identify those at risk is very low in the UK. By adopting novel strategies to spark conversation the charity has engaged new audiences and achieved a decade of exponential income growth. The impact it has made has meant it’s been able to save and support thousands of men across the UK.

A great recent example of this was Prostate Cancer UK’s work with Sky and Paddy Power at the 2024 World Darts Championship. The ‘Big 180 Commitment’ saw Paddy Power pledge £1,000 to Prostate Cancer UK for every 180 thrown during the tournament. A record total of 914 were hit which Paddy Power rounded up to a massive £1m donation. The partnership also encouraged men to check their risk of prostate cancer through an online risk-checker and after gaining huge interest across national media it was promoted in national newspapers, on billboards and across social media content, engaging millions. This resulted in more than 136,000 men checking their risk online, a five-fold increase year on year. The partnership will run again this year and, although some may question a charity partnering with a gambling brand, the overall good it has done for the cause demonstrates a strong risk / reward result.

Innovative content has been key to the success of Prostate Cancer UK. Following the pandemic, NHS England launched initiatives to get people back to their GPs, but checking yourself for the risk of prostate cancer posed a conundrum. Most cancers are detected by checking yourself, watching for symptoms and going for screening. But not prostate cancer. It doesn’t have symptoms until the cancer has spread and is the most common cancer with no routine screening program, putting people at a higher risk. To attack the issue, the charity developed a 30-second Risk Checker; an interactive, shareable piece of content that serves as a simple call to action in its campaign. It asks for age, ethnicity and family history to determine a man’s risk. After the first year, 211,000 men had used the Risk Checker. It was so effective that NHS England (NSHE) funded a £1.9m first-of-its-kind partnership campaign to deliver it. Together they scaled up the campaign to boost prostate cancer referrals, funded by NHSE and delivered by Prostate Cancer UK. It was the largest-ever charity partnership with NHSE and the first nationwide public health campaign delivered in this way.

Taking these new bold and innovative routes has undoubtedly helped both charities but it’s not without its risks. Of course, it’s easy for an outsider to extol the virtues of being more adventurous. It’s still important to recognise why charities have a degree of conservatism in their approach. Taking a wrong step could aggravate or even lose existing donors who might start to think the marketing budget for their chosen causes is being used irresponsibly. However, given the current context, there are some clear benefits of taking risks which the marketing departments within charities should spell out internally:

  • Marketing campaigns can be used as a tool to challenge any misconceptions or taboos surrounding a charity/cause. To stand out amongst a sea of marketing, these must be bold
  • Less conventional campaigns have the power to develop strong emotional connections and reinforce a clear brand identity
  • Finally, brand campaigns like those mentioned above become talking points that are engaged with and shared more widely an in turn may attract the attention of prospective partners looking for leaders in the charity sector, or prompt valuable publicity

Over the past couple of weeks, events have been held across London as our industry leaders discuss their expectations for the year ahead in advertising. From the current mood amongst consumers to the continued conversations around AI’s impact on advertising, below we share our key takeaways on what we should look out for over the next twelve months.  

Consumers are feeling the lasting impacts of Covid and the cost-of-living crisis 

In an eye-opening study from Leo Burnett shared at Campaign’s Year Ahead it was found that, “48% of people agree that life feels so intense and the moment that I often find myself reacting emotionally.” This same Pop Pulse 2024 study also revealed that, “31% of people feel emotionally overwhelmed in day-to-day life.” For Deputy Chief Strategy Officer, Tom Sussman, this means that as an industry we shouldn’t overwhelm consumers with unnecessary information but instead keep it simple.  

It’s a sentiment that was echoed by AJ Coyne, VP of Marketing, Monzo who said, “It’s crazy to ask consumers to look at and plan for their future when they’re dealing with their day-to-day problems.” The brands that will see the most success this year are the ones that consider the current mood amongst consumers and find ways for their brands to be relevant and additive to people’s lives. 

There’s a tension amongst clients between short-term results and long-term growth 

Campaign’s Media Editor, Beau Jackson, kicked off a panel on the year ahead for media agencies saying, “There’s a tension between clients asking for long-term but also caring about short-term results.” So, how can media agencies navigate this to strike the right balance between the two? For Natalie Cummins, CEO, EssenceMediacom, “We can only find the answers by doing large- and small-scale tests,” as she has found that clients are saying ‘don’t talk to me about the theory’ but are instead asking what is right for them based on their own data. Later, in a panel on the year ahead for creative agencies, Larissa Vince, CEO, TBWA\London pointed out that, “We as an industry can lack confidence in the brilliance of what we do.” As an industry we need to show conviction in our test-and-learn strategies which will deliver both immediate results and long-term growth. 

AI is still the word on everyone’s lips 

You would be forgiven for thinking we’d reached peak AI, but our news headlines are still saturated with it and these events were no different. At The Media Leader Year Ahead, panellists were asked what they thought would happen with AI in the advertising industry. Chloe Davies, founder & CEO of It Takes a Village questioned if AI is still a hype or if this will be the year when we face the reality, saying, “AI is still a tool, it’s there to be guided. AI can be anything we want it to be, we are the ones that need to shape the stories.” Meanwhile, Susan Kingston Brown, Brand President at UM lamented that, “Businesses see it as cost efficiency, but the problem then is that everything become bland. We should be training AI and asking questions. Bring back the power of humans. Bring back creativity and collaboration.” Human creativity was a sentiment echoed at Campaign’s Year Ahead, as Monzo’s AJ Coyne said, “I will always be an advocate of craft over technology. How I view AI is that you should never see it. It should be in the background.” At MI, we are inclined to agree with Katie Jackson, CMO, Channel 4 who said, “As long as we use AI to be additive and not reductive or replicative, then I think we’re in a good place.” 

What will make 2025 more rewarding? 

Finally, when asked ‘what will make our jobs more rewarding in the year ahead in advertising?’ panellists answered: ‘honesty’, ‘positivity’, ‘curiosity’ and ‘celebration’. By keeping these words in mind, we can approach the year with the fantastic ‘What If…’ mentality that Jackson has introduced to her team at Channel 4. What if 2025 turns out to be a really great year? 

This week we launched new client Welcome to the Jungle’s first ad campaign following the acquisition of the UK-based platform, Otta in January 2024. 

The job search platform that empowers businesses and candidates to find their ideal match. Its AI powered insights and expert support helps businesses and candidates navigate the world of work, creating more transparency for all involved. Created in partnership with a variety of leading creative partners, the campaign plays on ‘love-it or hate-it’ pairings; from socks and sliders to pineapple and pizza, encouraging job seekers to “choose the company that’s meant for you.” The campaign aims to raise awareness amongst 24-40-year-old job hunters in and around London looking for their next role; firmly establishing Welcome to the Jungle as the leading candidate-centric job search experience. 

The January launch aligns with a key time of year for job searches when many are motivated to make career moves in their New Year’s resolutions. Research shows that Mondays are the peak for job searches so, to target candidates on their commute as they start their working week, ads will be placed across key commuter OOH locations in London including Kings Cross, Liverpool Street and Waterloo. A study by The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities claims that 7 in 10 UK adults experience ‘the Sunday scaries’, with most citing the upcoming work week as the reason. To distract themselves, Welcome to the Jungle’s target audience turns to social media, therefore the OOH will be supported by display and social across Meta, TikTok and LinkedIn.

Marketing Insight – how could McDonald’s fight growing competition?

Despite being the leading fast-food brand in the Netherlands, growing competition saw McDonald’s struggle to maintain top-of-mind awareness. In a world of convenience and snackability, in more ways than one, McDonald’s needed a campaign that would captivate and engage audiences and reinforce its key market position. 

Now, McDonald’s has some pretty recognisable assets in their armoury. You can’t miss the ‘Golden Arches’ or mistake that tuneful whistle for any other brand, but there was one other trick up Ronald’s sleeve, the iconic smell of a McDonald’s French fry! 

Media Innovation – scented billboards: is smell an underused brand asset?

So how do you capture that iconic smell and turn it into a marketing campaign? The answer? Smell-o-vision!… Well, sort of. TBWA\Neboko, McDonald’s Netherlands advertising agency, partnered with Raúl&Rigel, a production company specialising in unusual billboards, to create an innovative scented billboard for the campaign. 

The world-first activation featured plain red & yellow billboards (in the classic Maccies colours). Not a word, picture or logo in sight as the billboards were hiding a clever secret. Equipped with an internal heating and ventilation system, the billboards released the scent of the McDonald’s fries hidden within to passers-by within five metres of the installation. Billboards were strategically placed within 200 metres of restaurant locations in the Dutch cities of Utrecht and Leiden. “We are always looking for ways to give iconic brand assets their own place in culture,” Darre van Dijk, CCO of TBWA\Neboko said, “The smell of McDonald’s French fries is one of those iconic features.” 

Accelerating Growth – McDonald’s most successful PR campaign

It’s no secret that many of us are driven by food. From the heady aromas of a coffee shop in the morning to freshly baked goods at lunch, smells trigger a hunger with a potent need to satisfy. That is exactly what McDonald’s scented billboard campaign succeeded in creating. A street survey revealed that 87% of passers by recognised the McDonald’s scent and 71% of them could distinguish the smell of French fries, demonstrating a strong brand recall. 

The campaign also triggered huge online engagement, reaching over 1.5bn in its first week and over 85,000 engagements. The result, an earned media value of €49.9 million, marked it as McDonald’s Netherlands’ most successful PR campaign. 

Could this be the start of a new kind of experiential advertising? Might we see, or rather smell, roses from bus stops promoting Valentine’s flowers, or will the smell of spiced lattes takeover tube stations during our winter morning commutes? 

Brittany Bryan joined MI Media as a senior account executive last year, working across clients including The Children’s Society and RNID. Here she gives us insights into what life is like as a senior account executive at MI Media.

What led you to a career in media?

I always knew I wanted a career in media. My mum said that when I was a baby I used to hyper-focus on the ads when they came on TV, I’d spend more time watching adverts than I would the actual TV programmes! As I grew older, my interest didn’t waver and I chose to study advertising at university. I basically see advertising like history, ad campaigns can tell you so much about cultural trends and pop culture of the time. I love to geek out on that! 

I finished university during Covid, so it was difficult to find a way into the industry. I spent a good year applying for roles and signed up to Creative Access which provided me with interview tips and jobs to apply for. Eventually, I secured my first job at Essence as an Account Executive and after 2.5 years I joined the team here at MI Media as a Senior Account Executive. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

I am in constant communication with my clients who always have interesting questions for me to respond to. I spend a lot of my time reviewing campaign performance and finding new ways to optimise and improve our results. This means that I am always researching new innovations in media, undertaking competitor reviews and using this knowledge to help decide how we can make our clients’ campaigns even better.  

What is your proudest moment at MI?

The first time I presented a post campaign analysis (PCA) at MI Media I was really nervous. I’d never been the main presenter of a PCA, in the past they had been a team effort with different people presenting different components. However, for our client RNID, I was able to take control of the whole process. I had worked really hard on the campaign and delivered great results; we delivered 12x the number of conversions we were targeted against while remaining under budget! The presentation went really well and the client was ecstatic with the results. 

What advice would you give to someone looking to become a Senior Account Executive?

Always be curious and have a thirst for the industry that you’re going into. There are so many ways you can learn more about the industry. Consider shadowing, find mentors that can coach you in their skills and go to networking events. There’s a misconception that networking is just for more senior people already in the industry, but you can find out so much about different media owners and what they do at these events 

What mistake have you learned from the most?

There isn’t one mistake in particular that stands out. I take all mistakes as a learning opportunity and don’t dwell on it. Every time I’ve made a mistake, whether it’s been how I’ve presented something or maybe missing a tactic to optimise a campaign, I’ve noted down what I’ve done and what I can do in the future if I find myself facing a similar challenge again. 

Who’s your role model and why?

I have found in every single person I’ve worked with. I find inspiration from my account director and his client knowledge which helps push me to learn more. I find inspiration from how my business director always thinks outside of the box, thinking of five different ways to take on a piece of information. I see how different people work and take pieces from each of them that I want to emulate in my own work 

According to Deloitte, “Insurers have the potential to achieve even greater social good largely because they already act as society’s “financial safety net,” providing a backstop against financial loss for innumerable risks worldwide.”  

We’ve also seen an increase in insurers using their customers’ money to invest a in a range of causes; from Animal Friends Insurance supporting animal welfare with a variety of charity partnerships to LV=’s partnership with Family Action to support families through change, challenge and crisis. Beyond charity partnerships, how can insurance brands invest in media with ESG in mind? We look at everything from reducing wastage with increased targeting to using carbon calculators to measure impact.

It’s been a tough few years for all insurance companies, with a turbulent macro political landscape coupled with national economic and environmental hurdles. This has resulted in rising premiums and tightening coverage for higher risk policies – and in some cases coverage removed altogether. In a world where insurers are often mis-trusted, this heightened pressure-cooker environment is making it more challenging than ever for brands to position themselves as a trusted partner, protecting people from disaster.

However, with climate change posing a significant risk to communities and businesses worldwide, insurers will bear a substantial share of the financial burden through claims related to natural disasters. Therefore, there are both business and societal imperatives for them to act. This includes embedding ESG into their own business operations and rewarding sustainable behaviour from policy holders.

By changing underwriting practices, insurance companies can positively impact the environment

The surge in data and increasing AI adoption is an opportunity for insurers to become a catalyst for good. The depth of data now available means quotes can be more personalised than ever before. And by utilising AI to unlock hidden insights faster, personalisation can be offered at scale. This means people will be paying the correct premiums for their situation and can build a policy with exactly the right cover. However, with trust as one of the top motivators between choosing one insurer over another, it’s important to have complete transparency about how data is being collected, used and stored.

Another opportunity for insurance companies is to encourage environmental and societal good by embedding sustainability into their underwriting practices. This could be reducing premiums for insulated homes and EVs, or business insurers offering the construction industry discounts if they apply a green chemistry approach – which reduces pollution and improves overall yield efficiency. Stealing from a different industry, Diageo recently said that when it is looking at product innovation, it always looks for the ‘and’. Meaning that a product innovation only gets developed if it benefits customers, the business AND the environment. Applying this to insurance, ultimately the best claim for all parties is the one that didn’t happen – so by rewarding practices that are better for the environment, encourage safer behaviour or more concrete operations, it’s win/win for everyone.

Some insurers are already designing inclusive products and partnership to give back

Insurers can also design inclusive insurance products and it’s promising to see this already coming to fruition across the insurance landscape. Research into pet insurance shows that it’s the economically strained that are less likely to insure their pets, meaning pets in these households are less likely to get veterinary care when required. Animal Friends Pet Insurance is a great example of an insurance brand giving back, with every policy taken out helping it to support animal charities and conservancies around the world – donating more than £8.5m already. Meanwhile, LV= has partnered with Family Action, to help it support the 60,000 plus families with practical and emotional support at times of crisis, mirroring its role as an insurer.  In a similar vein, MoneySuperMarket and CALM launched a joint campaign to break the taboo that makes it difficult to talk about money worries – which affect our physical and mental health as well as putting strain on our relationships. Our client Simply Business, a small business insurance specialist, has social impact at the heart of everything it does. As a B Corp immersed in the business world, it champions small businesses and has multiple schemes to support entrepreneurs to thrive in challenging circumstances.

The insurance industry has the power to drive effective change in ESG advertising practices

As well as examining their external offerings, insurers must make sure they’re running their business as sustainably as possible. This includes re-imagining their advertising activity. As an industry, insurance is estimated to have spent £253m in advertising in 2024 so far. TV advertising represents 57% of this spend – meaning there’s a huge opportunity to make a difference when adopting sustainable practices. From the ad production – limiting travel, re-using footage, pre-empting future video requirements to using local suppliers – adopting a sustainable-first approach to the creative planning and production can make a huge difference.

Digital also makes up a significant proportion of this spend.  With an estimated 670 grams of CO2 per thousand impressions, at the scale of spend of UK insurance advertisers, this equates to a heavy footprint. Careful selection of digital partners can help reduce this by effective targeting and using lighter-loading assets.

When it comes to media buying, targeted campaigns across all channels will reduce waste. Not only will this lower the emissions of the campaign but will also save media budgets, resulting in both increased efficiency and effectiveness. It’s also important to understand the sway the industry can have on the advertising industry. With advertising powered by the advertisers, applying pressure on media partners to be more accountable across all elements of ESG, will force the media industry to adopt best-practice ESG principles.

Finally, Garm’s Media Carbon Calculator can measure emissions across all media channels. This allows for the off-setting of emissions through investment in reforestation or renewable energy projects as an example.

The opportunities for insurers to be the catalyst for change across all areas of ESG are huge. Designed to support people and businesses at a time of crisis, they can lend their weight to change consumer behaviour, offer more tailored support to people’s unique circumstances and ensure their own business operations and partners uphold high standards.

Jack joined MI Media earlier this year in the new role of senior data analyst to support the increasing volume of data analytics and modelling work the agency is undertaking for clients including The Children’s Society and Kindred. Here he gives us insights into what life is like as a senior data analyst at MI Media.


What led you to a career in media?

I completed my master’s in business analytics which opened me up to the world of data science, specifically the utilisation of machine learning & AI and the power this has in enforcing data driven decisions. My course looked at business across all industries, so I came out of uni being able to apply my skills to any industry and initially got a job in a Proptech company.
I had a real flair for econometrics, so when I was approached regarding a role at OMD UK that would use my data science skills, although I didn’t know much about media, I was intrigued. I had an interest in how these solutions led to businesses making smarter decisions around their marketing investment. I had an idea of how data would drive the media choices and strategy.

At MI, I’m leading the progression of data science at the company, solving clients’ problems and educating them about the tools that can be used to overcome problems using data. I helped to launch MIDAS, our all-in-one decision-making data framework that analyses and harnesses data to inform reactive and data driven decisions for clients and media teams. I also work on transforming companies’ data infrastructure, helping to automate the importation of data using Azure which allows quicker and more efficient decisions.


What does a typical day look like for you?

My days at MI tend to be very varied. I am often working on proposals for data science solutions and dealing with internal client requests regarding problems that can be solved with data science. It could be anything from developing and enhancing MIDAS to ensuring the smooth onboarding of clients, to continuing the advancement in data automation through the platform.
I collaborate every day with our media planning & buying teams throughout the whole of MI. They work with me to determine the right tools to suggest at right time; based on budgets, the problem in hand and data availability.

What advice would you give to someone looking to become a data analyst or data scientist?

Don’t stop learning about evolving technologies and techniques in the data science sphere. Become very familiar with how different data science techniques are used and the value they can bring. Your learning will be accelerated through experience in the industry. There are patterns in client problems therefore, once you understand a range of solutions, you can often apply these to many problems. Starting off in a company where I was learning from experts, such as an established data team, really helped me advance my skills and experience. Don’t be scared of suggesting innovative ideas or modifications to make solutions more effective.


Who’s your role model and why?

Robbie Williams is someone who springs to mind. Mainly because, after watching the documentary on Netflix about his life, it really brought out his determination and the way he dealt with his fears. I found it inspiring how he overcame those fears. Often, he would throw himself in the deep-end and run head-first into situations. But, as he’s gotten older, he’s become more emotionally intelligent and able to understand his own emotions and feelings.