We are very excited to announce that our Coronavirus Crisis Appeal campaign for MSF UK has been recognised at the global WARC Awards for Media.

We received a bronze WARC award in the Effective Channel Integration category and were one of only three UK campaigns to be recognised in this global award programme. Full details can be read on the WARC website. 

The campaign was a huge success with the fundraising target exceeded by 55%. When looking back at their success, the team believe the following factors were critical to success:

  • Speed in a crisis is paramount
  • Be confident in your insights and single minded in execution at launch
  • Be quick to adapt the strategy and creative
  • If it keeps working, keep going
  • Find ways to extend success

Our strategy for growth was twofold. Firstly, a continued focus on the “business as usual” donor audience complemented by the deployment of an “agreed emergency framework” which outlined our emergency activation approach to maximise on response as soon as an emergency was announced.

We have given MSF the confidence that through increased investment it can continue to grow whilst maintaining efficiencies. The level of growth over the last 10 years has been transformative for MSF UK and through capturing all important learnings along the way we believe has scope to be continued well into the future.

Read about our incredible work with MSF in full on our case study page here.

Big thanks to both the MSF client team and Crafted for a spectacular team effort in winning this WARC award.


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