
Consumer product retailer, JML, had seen a raft of negative repercussions from the turbulent retail landscape which was affecting sales, revenue and profit. We were appointed in 2023 to make strategic changes to JML’s digital media strategy and improve performance. Our core objective was to increase sales and profit margin through digital channels. By implementing PPC and Shopping strategies, we were able to boost JML’s digital accounts, maximise on a crucial sales period for JML and repair what had been a challenging year for the brand.


Using our in-house data products, we analysed the full extent of JML’s historical data across its products, channels and internal costs. The insights gleaned from this work enabled us to make smart media decisions and implement a data centric strategy.

Putting this all into action, we began by building a bespoke client dashboard using our proprietary data platform, MIDAS (MI’s Data Attribution System), to assimilate JML’s historical channel data with product information. After undertaking a thorough audit of JML’s current account status, we identified issues that required immediate attention and improvement.

We implemented a methodical restructuring process to streamline our efforts towards driving sales and revenue. We adopted a focused approach towards keyword targeting, conversion tracking and removed auto recommendations, introducing tailored negative keyword lists to refine ad spend and improve relevancy. Following the restructure, we ran ‘sweet spot tests’ measuring the impact on sales and profit so we knew what which products we could then gradually introduce to drive profitable growth.  

Our approach across both PPC and Shopping laid the groundwork for optimal performance as we hit JML’s critical peak sales period in our third month working together. 

Accelerating Growth

Within just three months, we transformed JML’s PPC and Shopping accounts. In PPC, we increased revenue by 1,007% and profit by 825%. In Shopping, by the end of month three, revenue had more than tripled. As a result, we are now working with JML to explore as we look to grow its digital offering even further in the future.


“The MI team’s strategic management has revolutionised how we run our digital sales channels; it’s been hugely impactful work. They’ve provided deep knowledge of the digital space in PPC and granular-level data management across our entire product portfolio and digital estates, to give us comprehensive SKU-level profitability visibility, which has given us complete confidence in their work and provided impressive results. MI Media’s incredible passion for its high-quality work and its approachable personability with its clients is what make MI so remarkable and unique for an independent agency of its size. We’ve loved working with them from day one”.

Kevin Dickens, Group Marketing Director, JML